Workplaces, Sport clubs & Community programs

Achievement Program

Our Health Promotion Officer supports early childhood services, schools, and workplaces to create healthy places for working, learning and living through the Achievement Program.

The Achievement Program has been working with Victorian workplaces, schools and early childhood services since 2012, reaching over 600,000 Victorians.

The program is based on the World Health Organisation model for health-promoting schools and healthy workplaces. It was developed with the Department of Health and Human Services and The Department of Education and Training and aligns with the Victorian Health and Wellbeing Plan and Outcomes Framework.

Contact our Health Promotion Officer via the button below, who can offer advice and support on the Achievement Program to organisations in the Mount Alexander Shire.

Healthy Choices

Our Health Promotion Officer supports settings in Mount Alexander Shire to implement the Healthy Choices guidelines in  Workplaces, Sports and Recreation facilities, Schools and Early Learning Centres.

Healthy Choices is a framework for improving the provision and promotion of more nutritious foods and drinks in critical settings where Victorians spend their time.

To learn more about ‘Healthy Choices’ program contact us. 

Vic Kids Eat Well

Our Health Promotion Officer supports Mount Alexander Sports Clubs, Schools, Out-of-School-Hours Care (OSHC) and a wide range of community organisations – such as sports clubs, community facilities and even the local pool to provide healthier food and drink options where children and young people spend time through the Vic Kids Eat Well Program.

Vic Kids Eat Well is a state-wide movement focused on transforming the food and drink environments, focusing on four key actions and providing clear, simple and achievable steps to making healthy food and drink options available for kids. By harnessing the power of community and taking simple steps together, we can create change to give all kids across Victoria the healthy start they deserve. Vic Kids Eat Well is supported by the Victorian Government and is delivered by Cancer Council Victoria’s Achievement Program, in partnership with Nutrition Australia’s Healthy Eating Advisory Service.

To learn more about the Vic Kids Eat Well Program, contact us. 

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