Residential Care

We offer vibrant and connected community living in Maldon and Castlemaine, supported by a caring and qualified team.

While new residents can choose between Maldon and Castlemaine, a resident’s care needs is an important factor in helping determine which house will suit them best. All our residences offer close-knit communities supported by caring, local staff. Our residents enjoy their independence. They make their own decisions about: lifestyle menus hairdressing personal care social activities health classes We encourage people to bring in their own furnishings and personal mementos for their rooms. Shared or single rooms are available, along with access to communal sitting, dining and recreational areas. Dhelkaya Health’s residential care is fully accredited under the Commonwealth Aged Care Residential Services Accreditation Program.

If you would like to learn more about living with us, please get in touch. Whether you'd like a discussion over the phone or a guided tour of Maldon or Castlemaine, we can help.

Would you like to send a special message to a resident? Fill out the form with your message and details. We'll deliver your message as soon as we receive it.

There are up to three types of fees for residential care at Dhelkaya Health. Your Centrelink Income and Asset Assessment will determine the final fees you pay. You should seek independent financial advice to ensure you select the right option for your circumstances.

Please get in touch with us to discuss admission to Dhelkaya Health's residential care. We do have a waiting list, so admission decisions are based on the medical and social needs identified through a formal assessment.

Our residents and families stay up to date with all the events, outings and activities happening at Dhelkaya Health through monthly magazines. We produce two magazines - one for each campus. Castlemaine residents and families have the 'Castlemaine Chatter' while Maldon has its own 'Maldon Matters'. If you'd like to join the mailing list, hit the subscribe button below.

Pastoral Care seeks to integrate the physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs of all those at Dhelkaya Health - patients and residents, their families and friends, and staff.

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