A free guided tour of birdlife at Castlemaine Botanical Gardens will be held on 31 March 2022 and everyone is invited to come along.
Jane Rusden, who is the convenor of the Castlemaine District branch of Birdlife, will lead the tour.
“The Castlemaine Botanical Gardens has water birds and some big parrots. We will also talk about the Powerful Owls but won’t see them as its not breeding season.”, said Jane.
‘It’s a good opportunity for people to learn to identify birds that they may see in their garden. Bring your binoculars if you have some.”
The gentle hour-long stroll is organised by Castlemaine Health as part of their regular monthly walks. It is supported by Birdlife.
“We warmly welcome our regular participants and any new guests. It’s a great reason to head outdoors and enjoy some fresh air,” said Liza Shaw, Health Promotion Officer at Castlemaine Health.
The walk is suitable for all ages and abilities.
Event details
What: Walking tour of Castlemaine Botanical Gardens
When: 9:30am to 10:30am on Thursday 31 March
Where: Meet at Castlemaine Botanical Gardens Old Tea Rooms
Bring: Hat, water bottle and face mask
Cost: Free
Bookings are not required. For more information call 5479 1000.
Please note the walk will be cancelled if there is heavy rain or a Code Red Day.