Impact of visitor restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic
The Loddon Mallee Health Network have launched a study on the impact of visitor restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic on aged care facilities. The study explores how the restrictions affected rural and regional consumers, families and carers.
The project aims to:
- explore how the changes were put in place and communicated
- identify innovative approaches to maintaining family and visitor involvement in the care of people during times of visitor restrictions
- understand and describe the impact of visitor restrictions on consumers, residents, families and carers, particularly the impact on advocacy and decision-making.
The outcomes from the study will be used to help improve the experience of other people and their families/carers, and inspire other teams working in this space, to improve the patient, resident and carer experience.
The study involves trained volunteers and healthcare staff interviewing participants to gain a deep understanding of the effect of restrictions.
Those interested in nominating to be part of the study can register interest online. Details of the study and an invitation to get involved is being communicated directly to our residents and families in residential aged care.
You can read more about the study on the Bendigo Health website.