Are you a person with:
- personal and professional integrity
- high level interpersonal and persuasion skills, including the ability to work within a team
- sound independent judgement
- ability to apply critical thinking
- genuine interest in the health sector
Knowledge of one or more of the following:
Asset management | Clinical governance | Community Services | Corporate communications | Corporate governance | Executive management | Finance or audit | Human resource management | Information communications technology | Law | Risk | User perspective | Registered provider
As a board member you will:
Build your professional network | Expand your skill set | Gain new perspectives through working with a diverse group of people | Develop communication and leadership skills | Give back to the community | Be part of an organisations mission and vision | Make a difference | Develop team building skills
For more information please contact Tina White, PA to the CEO on 03 5471 1401 or, or visit
Applications close Friday 13 February at 5pm and can be posted to the Chief Executive Officer, Castlemaine Health, P O Box 50, Castlemaine 3450 or emailed to the above address.
The Victorian Government is committed to ensuring that government boards and committees reflect the composition of the Victorian community. This includes appropriate representation of women, indigenous Victorians, young Victorians and Victoria’s culturally diverse community and Victorians living with a disability.