As of this morning, we have introduced visitor restrictions in Geroe Acute and Connolly Rehabilitation in response to the COVD-19 pandemic. We understand this may be confronting and even upsetting for patients, residents and their loved ones. But we ask that you work with us as we navigate these changes and help us protect the health and safety of your loved ones in our care.
Maintaining the connections, care, love and support that is so crucial at this time will be a priority.
Visitors to Geroe Acute and Connolly Rehabilitation
The following new restrictions apply with immediate effect:
- maximum of one visit per patient per day
- no more than two visitors per visit
- visits limited to one hour only
- no visitors who fit the criteria for self-isolation will be allowed (e.g. recent international travel before completion of 14 days of self-isolation; contact with a person positive for Coronavirus; those with fever or respiratory symptoms)
- no children under the age of 16 years
- hand hygiene and the principles of social distancing will be enforced, with alcohol hand rub available.
- visitors must sign in and out (information may be needed for DHHS tracing in the event of an outbreak).
Customers at our Quick Fix Cafe
Castlemaine Health’s onsite Quick Fix Café remains open. However, to help maintain social distancing between cafe users most chairs and tables have been removed. A limited number remain for patients and visitors while elective surgery continues.
Further information
Expert and detailed advice about Coronavirus disease is being regularly published and updated on the DHHS website.