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Fundraising for homeless has immediate impact

We recently published news of a $2,000 donation raised at a Shedshaker Brewing event. The event saw a spontaneous auction of Kate Ceberano’s artwork and gifts to raise money for local people sleeping rough in our community.

The donation went to Dhelkaya Health’s Housing team, and it turns out the timing couldn’t have been better. At the time of the donation there had been a pause in the supply of Backpack Beds, which are lightweight and durable beds designed specifically for people who are homeless.

The supply issue, which began during the COVID-19 pandemic, meant the Housing Services team were using less than ideal solutions. The team were thrilled to hear in May from Backpack Beds for Homeless that new stocks of the beds have now arrived.

Michael McMahon from the Housing Services team has built a great relationship for us as a partner agency with Backpack Beds and made them aware of our immediate need for the beds. In response the company increased our allocation from four beds to 12 beds in all. The donation raised at the Shedshaker event meant we could confirm the order and pay immediately.

The well-considered design of these Backpack Beds makes them uniquely suited. They are lightweight and compact making them easy to carry, fire retardant, wind and waterproof, they have storage pockets and provide protection from mosquitoes. They save lives and offer dignity to those forced to sleep rough.

Thank you everyone for your support – this could not have happened without you! Dhelkaya Health is continuing to fundraise for essential items, such as phones to enable those living rough to stay in touch with us and other service providers, and of course for more Backpack Beds.

If you want to make a difference for the most vulnerable in our community, please contact or Donate today.

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