Community-focused physiotherapy is the latest new service set to be delivered at Maldon Hospital. The new physiotherapy service will offer focused, short-term specialist treatment for post-operative and post-injury care for eligible clients. The service is open for anyone with a GP’s referral to help people with musculoskeletal issues related to surgery, hospitalisation or related to a chronic condition for older people.
Kerryn James, Executive Director Community Services and Wellbeing, said: “This new service has been specifically designed for people who need short-term physio to help address their needs and to avoid having to travel to Castlemaine for services.”
The specialist physiotherapy service adds to the growing list of Dhelkaya Health’s community and allied health services available to Maldon residents as a direct result of Maldon Hospital’s amalgamation with Castlemaine Health.
Current services already include podiatry, diabetes education, counselling for adults and children, continence services, dietitians, speech pathologists and alcohol and drugs counsellors. All allied health and district nursing services are also delivered at home to residents of Maldon and surrounds as needed.
Ms James said: “Based on the population data and health needs that we see in the Maldon area, there is an opportunity to keep growing the services delivered locally. That means a larger range of services are available closer to home, giving people more opportunities to get the health and wellbeing support they need.”
With a focus firmly on service expansion for Maldon people, Dhelkaya Health is also reviewing the Maldon-based District Nursing Service.
Funding changes for Commonwealth Home Support Program in 2024 are expected to impact the service, so Dhelkaya Health is taking steps now to ensure the valued service is fully staffed and funded, and ready to continue delivering high quality nursing well into the future.
The District Nursing Service review has invited staff and clients have their say about what they’d like the service to look like, and an outcome from the review is expected in May 2023.