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Five members of the cancer survivorship team

Life after a cancer diagnosis: Support and care with Dhelkaya Health’s Cancer Survivorship and Rehabilitation Service

Navigating life after a cancer diagnosis can be overwhelming. Knowing what to expect and where to find support can make a difference.

Dhelkaya Health’s Cancer Rehabilitation and Survivorship Service is entering its ninth year and the demand for its vital support continues to grow. The service, which brings much-needed care closer to home for those affected by cancer across Mt Alexander Shire and Macedon Ranges, has proven to be an essential resource for improving the quality of life for people who have received a cancer diagnosis.

Recent statistics highlight the growing need for such services. Locally in Mount Alexander Shire cancer affects 4.5% of the population which is higher than the state average of 2.8%. With this in mind, ensuring that people have access to comprehensive cancer rehabilitation and survivorship care is more critical than ever.

Cancer treatment is complex and its after-effects can last long beyond the end of treatment. In many rural areas, patients often face the challenge of accessing care because many programs and services are based in Melbourne. This makes attending appointments difficult, leading some to skip critical treatment services.

This service addresses the common barrier of accessibility where travelling long distances for healthcare can be financially and physically draining. It offers a range of essential services such as physiotherapy, exercise physiology, occupational therapy, social work, speech pathology, and dietitians, all delivered locally. Its personalised approach supports people through all phases of their cancer journey with a focus on continuity of care.

A holistic approach

Ms Sonia Gibson, a Physiotherapist who leads the Cancer Rehabilitation and Survivorship Service, emphasised the importance of her team’s holistic approach: “When a cancer diagnosis is received, many people can feel overwhelmed navigating the path ahead. We make sure that doesn’t happen. Whether someone has just been diagnosed, is undergoing active treatment, has completed their treatment, or is many years into survivorship, we’re here to support them.”

Ms Gibson highlighted that the service is tailored to each person’s specific needs, which can vary widely between different people. “We collaborate with you to create a personalised plan that addresses fatigue, nutrition, sleep, exercise, pain management, emotional well-being and relationships. It also ensures there is engagement in meaningful occupation as well as practical support with your activities of daily living. We understand that everyone’s experience with cancer treatment is different. By taking a holistic approach, we can better support everyone to achieve their recovery goals.”

Our region has identified a need in supporting people with breast, prostrate and lung cancer with additional accessible services such as the Lymphoedema and Continence Clinic. The Cancer Survivorship and Rehabilitation Service also provides much-needed support for those affected by other cancers such as head and neck cancers, as well as speech and swallowing difficulties experienced after treatments such as surgery or radiation.

Clients can take part in one-on-one sessions or group programs, and access educational resources for themselves and those in their support network. Dhelkaya Health’s district nursing and palliative care, and allied health palliative care, are also available if needed.

Mr Adrian Caelli, Speech Therapist, said: “It’s not just about regaining speech for medical reasons—it’s about helping people to communicate with their families, engage socially, or return to work. We help people reclaim the activities that make life fulfilling, whether that’s speaking with loved ones, eating a meal, or playing with children or grandchildren.”

The Cancer Survivorship and Rehabilitation Service offers cancer survivors the opportunity to learn about options, develop new skills and connect with others on a similar journey.



Do I need a referral?
You can speak to your healthcare provider for a referral. Or you can self-refer if you live in Mount Alexander, Macedon or Central Goldfields shires.

Are there any costs?
Many of the services offered as part of the Cancer Survivorship and Rehabilitation service are free or available for a nominal fee.

How long does it take to get connected with support?
Clients are usually seen within 1-2 weeks from when their referral is received.

Get in touch
Contact Dhelkaya Health’s Intake Office to book an appointment on 5471 3575 or email

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