Maldon smiles

Children, staff and families at Maldon Preschool participated in Dental Health Week earlier this month, and know that it is never too early to start looking after your teeth and gums.

Maldon preschool participates in Smiles 4 Miles, an initiative of Dental Health Services Victoria and supported by Dhelkaya Health. Children, families, and staff at early childhood services who are part of this program follow three key messages: Drink well, Eat well and Clean well.

This year children at Maldon Preschool are getting to know these key messages using Dhelkaya Health’s dental puppet and other activities.

Cory Hartmann from Maldon Preschool says that over 20 children from the preschool practiced brushing teeth using the puppet and listened to ‘Brushy’, a 2-minute teeth cleaning podcast with fun facts.

“Children also received tooth brushing charts, toothpastes and toothbrushes as part of our Dental Health Week activities.”

100% of early learning centres in Mount Alexander are participating in the Smiles 4 Miles Oral Health Promotion Program.

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