Workspace Australia Ltd and Castlemaine Health have negotiated an extension to the Halford Street facility lease that is home to over 30 local businesses.
Castlemaine Health CEO Ian Fisher said: “Castlemaine Health’s partnership with Workspace has been in place for 18 years and we’re pleased to see that continue.”
The new agreement for a rolling lease will give businesses flexibility to extend their presence on the site. The new lease, which begins on 30 November 2018, also gives the businesses at least 12 months’ notice about any changes to existing arrangements.
Workspace CEO Rebecca Dempsey said: “If you have a dream of owning and operating your own business and you need a flexible site then talk to us. We’ll help you learn how to run your business and minimise risk while giving you the best chance to turn your unique skills into sustainable employment.”
The old hospital in Halford Street is currently part of a master planning process that is investigating the feasibility of developing a new health and wellbeing precinct in Castlemaine.
Ian said: “Should the health and wellbeing precinct be funded in the next budget – and we certainly hope it will – there is still a fairly long horizon before we’d see any physical redevelopment occur.”
In the meantime, the Workspace Board and staff are continuing to work with the Shire of Mt Alexander and State Government to find another long-term facility option. Discussions are continuing with the local State Member of Parliament, State Government departments and Mount Alexander Shire over the former Secondary College in Etty Street as a long-term solution for Workspace’s Castlemaine operations.
Rebecca Dempsey said: “We remain optimistic that a satisfactory arrangement can be negotiated in the coming months.”
Workspace Australia Ltd, the largest business incubator provider in Australia, was established in 1998. The partnership between Workspace and Castlemaine Health was formed in 1999 to make use of the former Castlemaine Hospital in Halford Street with an initial 18-year lease. Contact Merv Rushton Business Advisor and Mentor on (03) 5444 5228 or mobile 0411 100 117 if interested in setting up your own small business in the Halford Street site in the foreseeable future.