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Rod Run success

Castlemaine Rods has made a generous donation to Castlemaine Health following its successful 2019 Rod Run.

The recent Castlemaine Rod Run was staged by the local club and sponsored by Autopro over the weekend of April 12-14.

Entrants came from all over Victoria and southern NSW for the run that started on Friday evening with a welcome barbecue at the Wesley Hill Hall. On Saturday the rodders enjoyed a cruise through the Mount Alexander Shire with a visit to Hansford’s coach collection at Strangways, plus stops at Newstead and Maldon.

Saturday evening’s entertainment took the form a a spit roast dinner at St Mary’s Hall with a DJ providing teh music, plus a demonstration of 60’s go-go dancing, complete with tassles.

On the Sunday a huge show and shine was held at the Campbells Creek Reserve with extra rods, customs and classics rolling in for the day, almost doubling the number of vehicles on display. Gold coin donations at the gate, an auction of collectibles and a raffle by the Campbells Creek Football Club, who provided catering for the large crowd, resulted in a combined mount of $3500 raised and donated to Castlemaine Health for use on specialised hospital equipment.

The run concluded on Monday morning with a delicious pancake breakfast at Hadfields Hot Rods in Chewton.

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