Swimming to success

Chewton Swimming Pool, supported by Dhelkaya Health, get recognition for their healthier drink options by Vic Kids Eat Well.

Sera-Jane Peters, President of Chewton Swimming Pool Management Committee, says “Our pool has refreshed the fridge so that healthier drink options are available for community members visiting”.

The changes have been recognised by Cancer Council’s ‘Vic Kids Eat Well’ movement and have earned Chewton Swimming Pool a Bronze reward.

“We’ve replaced most of our soft drinks with small juices, flavoured milks, and coconut water. The kids are loving them, especially the honeycomb milk. The frozen healthy drinks are particularly a winner on hot days.”, said Sera-Jane.

“We are also able to offer free fresh fruit on Fridays, with thanks to Harvest at the Mill.”

“The Health Promotion Officer visited our pool and helped us to include drinks which are less sugary and position them in the fridge to encourage healthier choices.”

Dhelkaya Health proudly supports Vic Kids Eat Well, which allows schools, outside school hours care, sports clubs, recreation facilities, and council operated facilities to make simple changes that give kids access to healthier food and drinks.

Relevant groups can sign up for free or learn more about the movement at:? www.vickidseatwell.health.vic.gov.au

Alternatively, call 5479 1000 to find out more from the Health Promotion Officer.

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